Tanaz Meghjani

Data journalist at Columbia Journalism School.

funnel that is collecting and filtering information
Data collection

APIs, FOIA, FOIL, Beautiful Soup, Selenium, surveys, Github Action Pipelines.

magnifying glass analyzing trend in data
Data analysis

Python, Pandas, R, SQL, Q Research Software, Excel, Google Sheets.

sheet with data visualizations on it

R Studio, Illustrator, DataWrapper, ggplot, Tableau, QGIS, ai2html, GeoJSON, Mapbox.


People waiting in line at a food pantry

South Asian food pantry expands amid spike in need

The South Asian Council for Social Services food pantry balances a rise in need and the looming fear of COVID-19.

Columbia News Service
February 17, 2022

Excel DataWrapper

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Graduation rates for D.C.'s public high schools

Outcomes for high school students during the pandemic

This briefing takes stock of how the pandemic may have affected high school students and highlights its impact on students designated as at-risk.

D.C. Policy Center
May 12, 2021

Excel Tableau

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Maps that show access to healthcare across D.C.'s eight wards

Challenges outside of school for D.C.’s families during the pandemic

Given pre-existing disparities, the pandemic’s impact has been even greater for students of color and students from low-income families.

D.C. Policy Center
March 9, 2021

Excel Tableau

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Data-driven projects

Spiral that shows the extent of student debt
Location of parks in Atlanta's 12 City Council Districts
Brooklyn Marathon 2022 Route

The Brooklyn Marathon's New Race Course

On June 15th, 2021, city officials approved an initiative launching New York City's second official marathon. On April 24th, 2022, over 20,000 participants will run this course for the first time.

Columbia Journalism School
April 3, 2022

GeoJSON Mapbox

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Map of Alabama and its public libraries

Southern states lack access to public libraries

Studies show that those who live more than six miles away from a libary are far less likely to use it. This analysis will show how many people in each state live too far away from a library.

Columbia Journalism School
March 12, 2022

Beautiful Soup Python Pandas QGIS Illustrator DataWrapper ai2html

Coming soon
New Jersey's 114 superfund sites


Changes in CA drought levels between 2020 and 2022

California's drought is going to get even worse

During the 2021 dry season, nearly 50% of the state experienced exceptional drought - the most intense level of drought. 2022's dry season is poised to be even more severe.

Columbia Journalism School
April 22, 2022

Python Pandas Illustrator ai2html

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Concentration of judicial emergencies in the U.S. across states

Blue-state judicial emergencies soar during Trump term

During Trump’s term, the number of emergencies soared in blue states and decreased in red states. The average number of days that an emergency sat vacant increased from 648 in 2016 to 923 in 2020.

Columbia Journalism School
December 16, 2021

Beautiful Soup Selenium Python Pandas GeoJSON Mapbox

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